Tue May 12 2020

Old Portfolio


After finishing university I created a portfolio website to show off all the projects I'd completed as part of my course, including my master's research paper. I created it in part to help get a job, and also to practice skills I'd learnt on my course. At the time, my frontend skills were weak, but I was proficient in Python and wanted to create a static set of HTML pages so I could host for free on Github pages. This led naturally to the choice of Jinja templates, which I drove with a custom JSON structure and my own parsing logic to generate HTML. Looking back, this feels like a hacky way of achieving what can be done much simpler with modern frontend frameworks, but I still feel it's worth having around as a record of some interesting university projects and as a comparison of how I've improved since.


  • 00
    Create a record of interesting university projects
  • 01
    Experiment with a 'Hero-Banner' landing page
  • 02
    Implement searching/filtering using a system of coloured pills for technologies and project types
  • 03
    Create a set of custom Jinja templates (i.e components) for common things like image carousels, videos, PDF embeddings and tabs
  • 04
    Implement parsing logic for custom JSON structure to drive the layout of pages from data


Home page
Home page
Projects page
Projects page with filters